Welcome to ALeverLongEnough.com
I'm glad you're here to visit, and I hope you enjoy investigating some of my topics. Let me know what you think here.
contact me for information about editing and story coaching. I
specialize in story structure -- getting a stalled story to go.
My first novel, A Lever Long Enough,
is about a small military team that travels back in time to film the
theft of Jesus' body from the tomb. It has won two awards. You can read more about it here. The book is available on amazon here. It currently has 36 reviews averaging 4.5 stars. AUTOGRAPHED COPIES are available on my publisher's website here. ***
I also have a few other topics on this site:
Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Sounds crazy, but there is a
surprisingly large body of historical evidence that seems to support
this conclusion. I look at the pros and cons of this theory here.
How do you organize a well-proportioned, gripping story? This has been
a personal bugaboo of mine that I finally decided to lick last year.
Through an in-depth study of the structures of over twenty novels and
as many movies, I think I've got something -- not a formula -- but a
metastructure that stories seem to possess. Check out this link for
help with your own story structure here. |