Conclusion: My Own Story
case for the resurrection is meticulous and painstaking. There is no
smoking gun, since any of these pieces of evidence can be explained
naturalistically, if not always entirely plausibly. What struck me in
studying these facts, though, was that the evidence kept pointing in a
certain direction which in itself is a statistically significant
result. In admitting the possibility of a Supreme Being, the evidence
and facts fall beautifully together to make a compelling case. Without
admitting the possibility of a Supreme Being, the evidence makes no
sense, and the possible explanations are strained to the point of
breaking. This study turned my life around 180
degrees. I look at it like this: God is gracious enough to securely
establish Himself, without completely forcing a decision. When
I ask other Christians why they started to believe, usually it is a
variation of "I felt that God loved me." This did not happen in my
case: I did not trust emotions, and would never never have had a firm
base from "feelings." For several years after I accepted Jesus, I felt
about God like I might feel about a mitochondrion -- I completely
believed in it although I had no personal experience. The Lord has
slowly healed
my emotions so that I do "feel" His presence now, rarely but really,
and I am grateful He was and continues to be patient with me as I walk
through this world.
There are many unanswered and
troubling questions in this world. Like others, I am troubled also, but
I go back to first principles:
1. the resurrection happened: therefore Jesus' words, and the Bible, can be trusted.
2. God is perfect, He is Love, He is Holy, He is just. He is trustworthy.
3. I don't need to understand everything, although I can certainly question. But ultimately, I need to trust.
process isn't as easy as this sounds, but I am convinced it is
correct. Although I am profoundly flawed, I wish for all I do in this
life to be Soli Deo Gloria -- only for the glory of God.